
Israel Tour  9-11 days ****Fall of 2025

                                                      Travel when approved by officials 

The beautiful Holy Land of Israel is timeless. From the beginning to the stories of Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to Jesus and now the redemptive work God is doing to restore His first-born Israel that is promised throughout the prophets. You will be scattered, but I will bring you back. 

The Bible is rich and full of promises. John 4:23

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.



We will be safely transported by an Israeli tour company and Israeli tour guide narrators. 


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This is me and could be you at the Western Wall in Jerusalem where you can pray and place a note in the wall with a praise and request to Yahweh God. 

Israel- tour- serving 

September- November 2025  (suggested date ) Decision made when it is the right time. 

Possible places to visit and we will always consider with wisdom from heaven.

Ben Gurion Airport arrival

Valley of Elah- David and Goliath

Beersheva- Sede Boker and Mitspe Ramon for desert full moon

Arthur and Anat and visit border patrol- care packages

Hotel on Dead Sea

Masada- Ein Gedi- Qumran-(Dead Sea Scrolls) Genesis Land

Jerusalem-Tour in Jerusalem -temple mount, western wall, Mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Garden Tomb, City of David, Hezekiah’s tunnel, 

Shopping- Shuk- 

Meet Dvora, Mark, 

Jericho- Visit Tel- Seeds of Hope- serve woman and children at school 

Joshua’s altar- Aaron Lipkin

Jordan river- canoe and or baptism 

Hayovel plant trees or pick grapes

Boat ride on Sea of Galilee- Capernaum- Mount of Beatitudes

Mount Tabor, (mount of transfiguration)

Mount Carmel- Ronit


Jaffa/ Tel Aviv 

This is a draft to discuss to add to and adjust. Everywhere your feet go, you will be blessed. 

“O Jerusalem, the Lord has appointed those who will pray for you…they will never keep silent until the Lord makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth” (Isaiah 62:6-7).


Hold your Place

100.00 per person 

refunded if unable to travel 

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